We understand that exhibition stand design will now have to include new health, distancing and hygiene rules to ensure the safety and wellbeing of stand staff, visitors and construction crews.
These rules will be incorporated into our new designs.
We will ensure standards are met and new regulations are adhered to. Some stand-specific safety suggestions are listed below:
Stand planning will allow for more open stand designs. Less area will be occupied by structures to ensure as many people as possible can be present on the stand simultaneously.
Free-standing exhibits will be surrounded by generous open spaces with markings to help visitors maintain proper distancing.
Presentations can take place at the stand as long as all protection and hygiene rules applicable at the time of the event are complied with.
Suitable structural measures (e.g. acrylic glass panels) or personal protective equipment (face masks) will be employed during personal contacts or in meeting areas with tables and chairs if minimum distancing cannot be maintained.
Exhibits, display cases, counters, displays, screens etc. should be located at least 1 metre from the edge of the stand so that visitors can leave the aisles to view them.
Product presentations at the edges of the stand will be avoided to prevent large gatherings of people in the aisles.
Stands should have clearly defined and labelled entrances and exits that can be monitored
Disinfectant dispensers should be provided at the entrances and exits to the stand
Heavily used surfaces such as counters, tables, display cases, exhibits and displays should be cleaned and disinfected frequently between visitors as required.
Smaller exhibits should be presented behind glass (in display cases or similar) wherever possible to prevent multiple people coming into contact with uncleaned surfaces of samples and displays
The ceilings of meeting rooms should be left entirely open to ensure that there is sufficient air exchange
Face masks must be worn if mandated by the regulations applicable at the time of the event.
If food and beverages are provided, it should be in closed containers wherever possible.
Distancing and hygiene rules may result in delays during set-up and dismantling. Full advantage of the entire period of build and breakdown should be taken.
All exhibitors, stand constructors, stand staff and service partners participating in a stand should comply with protection and hygiene regulations. Furthermore, everyone should instruct their personnel regarding occupational health and safety. The resulting measures will be incorporated into the risk assessment and method statements for the stand.
All the measures detailed above are based on current knowledge and may be adapted at any time in response to future events and requirements. If any changes are made, we will naturally inform you as soon as possible.